Ross Island - best place in the world.
First up, just to clarify, we are currently alive and back home. We had no internet on the trip so the blog was written then but I'm only getting around to publishing it now. I only realised yesterday that this may be confusing when we met a friend who thought she was hallucinating because clearly we were still deep in the Southern Ocean. Sorry. Day 18 – It's Tuesday today, which is weird 'cause yesterday was Sunday. So I guess we must've crossed the dateline. One guy on board missed his birthday, which would have been Monday, so he gets a reprieve from entering his 50s. Well today was just absolutely bloody fantastic. We're at Ross Island. Now if you know your Antarctic history and have read all the explorer books (like I have) this is wildly exciting, this is where all the action happened, where all the big expeditions were based. All the landmarks here are so familiar to me – Mount Terror and Mount Erebus (volcanoes named after Ross' ships who...